Saturday, 23 July 2016

21 v 20c skills

Second session , still coming to terms with the online aspect of blogging and reflection....I think this is an area which I need to get into. I really enjoyed the aspect of the flipped class, doing your pre reading and watching before the session. I think this would work very well for our blind/ low vision students as they can then do it at their own pace and come to class ready for discussion.

 I must say that I wasn't sure why we re watched the videos. I thought we would have gone onto having more discussion.

21 c v 20 c teaching style.
For my low vision students I feel we try to take them into 21 c but somehow get stuck in the lower levels of the rubric. I wonder whether it is in part because they never quite get enough time to master the learning of their devises before using & then don't always have the support when needed.
collaboration: Students tend to get a bit behind the others so try to keep up and also miss the visual aspect of the finer social skills required. Many of our students end up working independently or with a TA.
knowledge construction need to think more on this but I am thinking it is more skills based from what I see in most classes I visit.
self-regulation: another big one to take students on further. Control of learning, Decision making on when to use a certain piece of tech from tool box, plus the all important work. Sometimes they just need more time but more homework isn't the answer because of the real issue of visual fatigue. Also a need to advocate needs in a positive non victim way to peers, teacher etc. Student based learning not assessment based.
real-world problem-solving and innovation: yes all real world needs, but how do we take LV student further? Reflect on my practice.  Im the one who gives the teacher summary of needs based on assessment which the ophthamologist gives me and my assessment. Thinking I need to hand the reigns more over to the students and become the facilitator of real world issues but not the giver of solutions all the time....  Usually, i think because i am not always available to the school & teachers they don't always contact me when issues come up.  I get forgotten for advise when things like cross country comes up or field trip. Student doesn't advocate, just accepts what is.... And then may not be able to participate as fully as they otherwise would.
  the use of ICT for learning: need to learn skills which are different to other learners as well as skills for what is being used  in class. Chrome books not good for most of our LV students. Google/ Moodle not in accessible format. I think that we may sit more at a level of substitution eg: the technology used is a replacement for what can't be seen or done with pen and pencil.
  skilled communication : 80% learning is visual so a low vision student may need to be taught verbally what skilled communication looks like and practice skills as they haven't picked up what others do intuitively and have picked up over a life time. Doing this through digital maybe an advantage as the visual barrier are left. To be part of communication and discussion though the student needs to have a depth of understanding and concept of a topic. Eg: a task given in class was to take a sheet out of an old novel and write a poem using the words.... Others were discussing and reading the words. LV student had to do the task differently and relied upon RTV to adapt. With a little pre planning for the student this may have been avoided

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Virtual and augmented reality

felt a bit overwhelmed in class this evening esp the first bit . We had to create a plan with Gooigle maps, earth or Tourmaker .... Immediately my RTV hat went on. Maps can be one of the hardest things for our students to access. Low contrast and very detailed. I didn't really have a satisfactory solution although google Earth could be enlarged quite a bit.... We shared using google Docs the info and plan we created and that was really good to do as we could all write on the same document..

Went onto Augamented reality and Virtual reality ... Really enjoyed the impact of such. I wonder about whether students with no binocular vision could do but if they can I think it could be a really good way of working doing virtual tours of places... So much fun.

Aurasma, excellent, I might just encrypt some photos for reports with some information the student has spoken.

Leadership: so much reading. I am still a bit confused re things like SAMR and TPACK and how they all fit together. Add in Blooms and all other ways of planning meaningful activities for students.

Hadn't uploaded my problem video and worked with Tracey to share the problems.... Ummm, took a while to get started Tracey couldn't find her video she had uploaded. How many times does that happen in a class esp with our students? So time got wasted. I just read my 21c problem but will aim to get it up on Friuday. That is if I can remember how to do it =)